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Stop Being the Best-Kept Secret: Write Your Book, Share Your Message, Impact the World!
Write Your Book
Establish yourself as an expert by writing and publishing your own bestselling book
Increase your influence and income by writing a chapter in bestselling anthology
Workshops & Events
Unlock your performance and become unstoppable in your purpose-driven life
Hi, I’m Seema Giri. As a woman entrepreneur, speaker, or consultant, I understand the challenges of standing out and making a true impact. Your story is your most powerful tool to unlock your next level of success—and the best way to stand out in the market.
When doctors told me I’d be bedridden for life, I refused to accept it. That journey of healing taught me a profound truth: If you’ve experienced a transformation that changed your life, it’s not just your story—it’s your responsibility to share it and help others do the same. Co-authoring The Authorities with NY Times Bestselling Author Dr. John Gray, Marci Shimoff and Raymond Aaron showed me how storytelling can ignite change and build a thriving business.
Now, I want to help your voice reach millions. I’ve helped 100 women entrepreneurs share their stories, grow their businesses, and create the legacy they’ve always dreamed of. They are now changing lives and making an impact on a global scale.
The only way to truly bring your story to life is by working with someone who has been on the same journey. I’ve lived it, and I know the power of a story told with purpose. I’ll guide you through every step, aligning your message with your mission, so your book becomes more than just words—it becomes a movement.
Together, we’ll expand your influence, elevate your visibility, and create the lasting impact you were meant to make.
Your Story Matters!
From Idea to Published in 7-Easy Steps
Who said publishing a book has to be rocket science?
It’s not!
Our 7-Step Framework: Inspire, Ideate, Intake, Implement, Insight, Improve, Impact, we’ve simplified the entire process to help you bring your story to life.
This proven system has guided 100+ individuals in turning their ideas into bestselling books that not only inspire but also open doors to new opportunities, attract clients, and establish them as thought leaders.
Each step is tailored to take you from feeling stuck to feeling empowered.
Whether you’re just starting out or refining your draft, this framework will give you the clarity, tools, and confidence you need to share your message with the world.
Remember, one step at a time!