Learn the 4 pillars to Reboot, Reset & Realign your Body, Mind and Soul

Living a healthy lifestyle is a balancing act that most of us get frustrated with at one point or another. The results are, not getting there fast enough, the will or the motivation get lost in translation, there’s not “enough time in the day,” we may not be eating the right foods. The list can go on. 
The good new is that by going back to the very basics, you CAN regain control of your health and feel like a brand new you. We are talking about building the foundations of a life that can take you to places you’ve only dreamt of.


This program is for burnt out, overwhelmed, female entrepreneurs who want to live life to the fullest and reclaim their body and mind, once and for all.

Nowadays it’s very difficult to find the balance between staying healthy and in shape while also taking care of our mental wellness.

That’s why going back to the FOUR PILLARS of wellness and health is so important. By learning these four pillars not only will you have the tools to make drastic changes in your life, but you will also learn to maintain yourself in a constant flow of well-being.

Learn to take care of: Your Mindset/Spirituality, Your Nourishment, Your Movement, Your Maintenance – and you will learn to provide yourself with a life full of wellness and longevity.

There are so many fad diets and programs out there that teach new and improved ways of getting your life back together, but the truth is that the answer to true healthy living is solidifying your basic understanding and then building off of that.

So, join me and my tribe – for a complete transformation.

Regain control of your mindset.

Understand your inner workings.

Find joy in movement.

And maintain a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your years.


It’s a proven fact – the people who manage to lose their excess weight (and emotional baggage) and keep it off long-term are those who change their lifestyle for good, and a super-important part of that is understanding the basics of obtaining a healthy lifestyle.  

Let’s get back to the basics.

Learn how to eat clean, change your mindset, restore your gut health and balance your hormones naturally!

If you change your mindset, you can improve your body, your health, and your life.

  • Get your health back and get unstuck
  • Feel strong, powerful and rejuvenated once and for good
  • Get lighter on your feet and in your soul

To change your life, you need to change your mindset and understand the four pillars of health.

You need to get to a mental state where you understand what’s good for your body and choose to embrace it.

What qualifies me to help you?

​I know what it feels like to be told that you have to live with your circumstances and there is no other way. 25 years ago I was in chronic pain, due to my test results always coming out normal 11 doctors called me a hypochondriac. It took 6 long painful years of finally being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hypothyroid. After the birth of my first child I became bedridden despite being on 25 medications. Then the sentencing “You have to live with it” being bedridden. This was not acceptable so I ventured off to find my way. During my journey though this caused a lot of challenges in balancing a career, family and community. I could never escape the guilt of not being with my babies or not being at work when I needed to be. I soon realized that if I didn’t put myself at the very top of the priority list no matter what 

I would not be any good to anyone.  I know so many working moms deal with the same issues this why I am committed to educate, inspire and empower working moms where you don’t have to learn to live with any circumstances that doesn’t serve you whether it’s your health, relationship or career.  My mission is to help transform your lives and create the life you dreamt of so that you can follow your passion and uplift the lives of others through your gifts.


You can transform the way you look and feel by changing the way you think, and by understanding the way your body works!

The 6 MONTH BREAK FREE TO BRILLIANCE  PROGRAM will get you on the right track to changing your relationship with your own body and mind for the rest of your life!

When you sign up for the 6 Month BREAK FREE TO BRILLIANCE PROGRAM 

You will get:

  • 4 Value Packed Modules with weekly guide
  • Monthly 1 Hour Group Coaching Call on 4 Pillars of Health
  • Monthly Implementation Hour – 1 hr deep dive in any areas that you need help implementing the strategies
  • In-depth mindset work and daily self-care habits
  • Delicious Vegetarian and Omnivore recipes, each with delicious suggested meals 
  • Shopping list to make life easier for you!
  • Your personal food diary to hold yourself accountable during and after the program.
  • Private Facebook Group

Special Bonuses:

  • Bonus #1:  Meditation Mastermind: Group Guided Daily Meditation, Exercise and Journal Writing
  • Bonus #2: 60 MIN Chakra Clearing, Chakra Alignment and Balance
  • Bonus #3: 60 MIN One on One Coaching to create your personalized goals

About Seema 

Seema Giri is an award-winning author, speaker, and transformational coach. In her book, the Authorities (co-authored with Dr. John Gray, Marci Shimoff, & Raymond Aaron), Seema shares her transformational story of suffering from Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis to creating a life of serving others.

Seema empowers women entrepreneurs to supercharge their health so that they wake up exhilarated with energy, ready to take their business to a new level by sharing the wisdom they have gained from life altering experiences and making a massive impact in the world by writing high-impact books (anthology and solo books) that can transform lives.