Tap into Your Potential with Annabel Kandiah

Break Free to Brilliance Podcast:

Tap into Your Potential with Annabel Kandiah

Annabel Kandiah is a co-author in the upcoming book Break Free to Stand in Your Power compiled by Seema Giri, for more information on the book visit www.seemagiri.com.

Annabel Kandiah is an author and speaker as well as a leadership coach and mentor to entrepreneurs who want to step out of the corporate rat race and find fulfillment in their lives. Annabel has served in many leadership positions over the years and has a real passion to develop high-performing leaders.

Her mission is to help budding entrepreneurs become the best versions of themselves and lead the life they want. She believes that people can learn to tap into their true potential and achieve their goals and dreams. She loves this quote: “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

Annabel followed the corporate path for many years following her MBA from a top school. She saw great progression in her career but the long hours and the stress made her question what she truly wanted in life. She realized she wanted to help more people and make an impact on lives in a very different way. Success was not as important as being fulfilled. She stepped boldly into the entrepreneurial world and is now building a worldwide business.

Annabel lives in the Bay Area with her husband and her daughter. She has a passion for travel and loves meeting people from all over the world and learning about different cultures.


Social Media and Contact Links:

Email Address: sannabel@outlook.com

Phone Number: 202-725-3773

Website: https://annabeltarkington.com

Facebook page(s): https://www.facebook.com/Annabel-Tarkington-538316553289472/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annabelkandiah

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