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The Power of the Mind, Body and Soul: The New Frontier for Medicine with Dr. Mary Thomas

Break Free to Brilliance Podcast:

Break Free to Brilliance Ep. 53: The Power of the Mind, Body and Soul: The New Frontier for Medicine with Dr. Mary Thomas

“We are all as unique as our fingerprints. I’m of the firm belief that we need to put it all together, which is why in my chapter I mentioned the mind, body, and soul connection,” explains Dr. Mary Thomas, medical doctor and co-author of Break Free to Health and Vitality. In Dr. Thomas’s chapter “The Mind, Body, Soul Connection: The New Frontier for Medicine,” she discusses the importance of looking at the patient as a whole and combining spirituality and intuitive healing with Western medicine.
Dr. Thomas joins us on today’s Author Series episode to discuss alternative modalities of medicine and what she hopes the future of healthcare will look like. Dr. Thomas hopes that listeners will better understand the concept of the mind, body and soul connection after reading her chapter. When Dr. Thomas approaches healing a patient, she does not just look at the body, but rather at the whole person: mind, body, and soul. She uses a combination of alternative healing practices, Western medicine, and spirituality to guide her patients to better health outcomes. By treating our bodies, minds and souls as one, we can break free to a healthier self.
Tune into this week’s episode of Break Free to Brilliance for tips on how to approach our healthcare in a more holistic way and to learn about alternative methods of care.
• “Medicine is science. Particularly Western medicine is very much rooted in science. But if we look back thousands of years ago to healers or shamans…they didn’t follow science. They were intuitive healers…a lot of this comes from within us where we instinctively know when we see a patient, never mind the science of course it’s there…, but when I’m looking at a patient I’m also looking at the overall, the full picture of that person in mind, body, and soul. So if one is an intuitive healer and at the same time a medical doctor, you can get in touch with your spirituality to help the patient.” (7:09-8:26 | Dr. Thomas)
“If you’re wondering what alternative medicine and other healing modalities are, I would request you to be a little bit more open and do your own research and see if it applies to you. Explore a little bit at a time and see how it affects you.” (14:46-15:02 | Seema)
• “My chapter is ‘The Mind, Body, Soul Connection: The New Frontier for Medicine’… I really want to get it out there that we have to look at disease care and change that to health care by looking at the whole person…We are built as a person who has a mind that thinks, a soul within us, and the body. How could we even think of eliminating one or two? The way to go in the future, I really foresee this as the new frontier for medicine because without which we are just going to remain where we are.” (17:08-18:20 | Dr. Thomas) 


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Wake Up to Your Divinely-Inspired Health with Veena Singla

Break Free to Brilliance Podcast:

Break Free to Brilliance Ep. 52: Wake Up to Your Divinely-Inspired Health with Veena Singla

Veena Singla, International Health and Wellness Educator

“I feel we should think of the divine power within ourselves. You are in control of that and that divine power is your own power connected with your soul,” explains Veena Singla, international health and wellness educator and co-author of Break Free to Health and Vitality. In Veena’s chapter “Wake Up to Your Divinely-Inspired Health,” she discusses the importance of connecting with your divine power to help you live a healthier life. Veena joins us on today’s Author Series episode to discuss the importance of eating healthy, taking control over our thoughts, and connecting with ourselves on a higher, more spiritual level.

Veena hopes that readers of her chapter will reach the understanding that we can heal ourselves from the inside. During her own personal journey with cancer and an autoimmune disease, she discovered that she recovered faster when she was eating healthy, whole foods and avoiding negative, toxic thoughts. She encourages readers to connect with the divine power within themselves in order to feel less hopeless and more powerful. 

By taking back control of our bodies with healthy foods, positive thoughts, and spiritual reflection, we can break free to a healthier self. Tune into this week’s episode of Break Free to Brilliance for tips on how to connect with your divine power and change your mindset in regard to health and disease. 



  • “I have always dreamt about writing a book on cancer for the common man to understand what cancer is.” (06:52-07:01 | Veena)
  • “I feel that cancer can be easily eliminated from the food we eat and the thoughts we think. The cancer is nothing but a crabgrass. If we eliminate the crabgrass, then we can eliminate the cancer from the body.” (07:40-08:06 | Veena) 
  • “In a day alone, we think of 70-80,000 thoughts…Out  of that, 50% are repetitive and 100% of that is negative.” (12:15-12:32 | Seema)
  • “Number one, I feel we should also think of divine power within ourselves. You are in control of that and that divine power is your own power connected with your soul and use that. When I was sick with cancer or heart disease, that was very much part of me. I saw God behind the doctor and anybody who was helping me…that was very powerful.” (14:29-15:14 | Veena)
  • “We have to read some scriptures every morning. You start your day with reading 4 lines, 5 lines, whatever you want. And that inspires you the whole day. Think about that message you read and dwell on that. The other things will take care of it… When you’re sick your body is 90% healthy. It’s only 5-10% wrong, so we have to take care of the healthy part of the body. The other things: we’ll let the doctor take care of that.” (15:49-16:31 | Veena)
  • “Think about your own power…and use that. Don’t let it go in vain.” (22:30-22:41 | Veena)
  • “Let’s align our hearts, words, and actions just like the chiropractor aligns our spine.” (24:27-24:34 | Veena)
  • “Love yourself and take time for yourself. If you need a breather during this holiday season, if you need to step out and away just to get grounded…do that. When you can do that more for yourself, you can show up in a much better way for everyone else. We’re always thinking about taking care of others and doing things for others, which is a great thing.  But what’s even better is if along with taking care of everyone else, you can take care of yourself as well.” (25:20-25:56 | Seema)


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Transforming Trauma into Triumph with Tamara Baldwin

Break Free to Brilliance Podcast:

Break Free to Brilliance Ep. 51: Transforming Trauma into Triumph with Tamara Baldwin

“Just because you’ve experienced something, you don’t have to be defined by it,” emphasizes Tamara Baldwin, spiritual counselor, educator, and co-author of Break Free to Health and Vitality. In Tamara’s chapter “Transforming Trauma Into Triumph,” she dives deep into the importance of breaking free from past experiences and not defining yourself by past traumas. Tamara joins us on today’s Author Series episode to discuss creating the life you want, prioritizing self care, and redefining how you think about your past. 

Tamara hopes that readers will benefit from her chapter by realizing that they too can triumph over past traumas. By making time for self-care and setting clear boundaries, we can create healthier, more fulfilling lives. Oftentimes, people define themselves by their experiences, which makes it hard to move forward. Tamara reminds us that we do not have to remain trapped in any situation and that we are not defined by our past.

Transforming our trauma into triumph starts with taking that first step forward. Tune into this week’s episode of Break Free to Brilliance to learn more about how to prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and heal from past experiences.



  • “I really hope that readers will gain a sense of well-being knowing that no matter what their experiences are in life that they too can triumph from any type of trauma that they have experienced.” (08:14-08:27 | Tamara) 
  • “I think that from the title alone people can get the inspiration and hope that the past doesn’t define you, and you can create the life that you want. These days, I love saying you can create a life by design, which means you can create how you want it to be, what you want it to look like, and you don’t have to live a life by default, meaning the life that has been given to us that we have to just deal with. Sometimes, you’re in a situation where it might feel like you have to do that, but slowly by taking one step at a time, you can get out of that situation and create the life that you want.” (08:28-09:14 | Seema) 
  • “You don’t have to look like what you’re going through. You don’t have to look like what you’ve been through. So, that’s really the inspiration here. Just because you’ve experienced something, you don’t have to be defined by what you’ve experienced in life. I often tell people even in the workplace, your job doesn’t define who you are. You define who you are. It’s the same with the trials that we’ve experienced and the trauma that we’ve experienced, you don’t have to stay there.” (09:38-10:04 | Tamara) 
  • “I think what many people do is they start identifying themselves with the problem…I remember when I had my autoimmune issues I would say, ‘My name is Seema, and I have an autoimmune disease.’ And then someone told me, ‘You know Seema, that’s not who you are. You are Seema Giri who is struggling with these issues, but that’s not who you are.’” (10:05-10:40 | Seema)
  • “I was asking myself this question: Am I being selfish by saying no to those who are always pulling, and wanting and needing? It was a defining moment for me to learn that I’m not being selfish. Self-care is significant. Self-care is important. Self-care is a necessity. So, when I came to that realization, that’s when things actually began to change.” (11:21-11:48 | Tamara)
  • “Before writing the book and now, the one specific thing that has really changed and made all the difference is boundaries. Setting those boundaries and knowing when to say no. Letting my no be no and letting my yes be yes. So, self-care wrapped in those boundaries has made all the difference.”(15:15-15:35 | Tamara)
  • “One thing that I would share with individuals is that you want to make sure that you are present for yourself before you can be present for other people. Take time out for self-care even if it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or just being in your own space without the pull of other individuals. That would be my takeaway.” (20:21-29:49 | Tamara)


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Tamara Baldwin, Spiritual Counselor  



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Using Rebel Success for Health and Vitality with Charlotte Allen

 Break Free to Brilliance Podcast: Using Rebel Success for Health and Vitality   Break Free to Brilliance Ep. 47: Using Rebel Success for Health and Vitality “Being rebels can be very tiring, but it’s also extremely exciting,” says Charlotte Allen, bestselling author of Rebel Success for Leaders. She joins us on today’s Author Series …

Personalized HealthCare: The Future of Medicine

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From Ego to Essence with Sophie McLean

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Mastering Self Leadership with Michelle Teague

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